5 Tips on how to get your website indexed on Google

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You’ve spent plenty of time and money building the perfect website for your business – the very first thing that you’ll want next is for people to find it! Whilst there are various ways of promoting your services; paying for advertising campaigns that have no guarantees of working - there isn’t anything that is cost-effective (and has the same long-term effects) as being placed highly in a search engine’s rankings. Being amongst the first websites that a user sees when they search for a product/service that they’re interested in – being at the top could prove vital in winning all those important sales.

You would have already searched something on Google – when you look at the first couple of results, do you expect them to present what you searched for? Being ranked highly is of great benefit - it will create the impression that your website is one of the industry-leaders, a great service that knows what they’re talking about. This sort of exposure is invaluable and what’s more – it won’t even cost a single penny to list it there! The way to do this, is to implement an internet marketing method called SEO.

Improve your online presence with us

At SEO Junkies, we are an industry-leading online marketing agency that constantly pushes the boundaries of the digital advertising industry, in order to help our clients to enjoy the long-term benefits of a strong and appealing online presence. We have helped hundreds of businesses to make the most of their online presence with our innovative advertising strategies – something which we are able to implement for any company, of any size.

With more businesses than ever taking advantage of the online marketplace as an effective way to present their products or services, engage with their customers or even to encourage awareness of their brand identity – it has never been as important in this fast-growing online world that they are able carve out their own niche in order to be successful.

What is SEO and how does it work?

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a method of using a number of certain keywords, titles and pages on a website to help make it more visible, whenever anyone using a search engine enters those certain keywords. Used by companies to promote their products and services, SEO has become a vital component in 21st Century business practices. SEO has the potential to promote companies, without having to pay anything extra for advertising – costs which we’re sure, all businesses would like to save on.

SEO works by a search engine, such as Google, sending out software called ‘bots’ that are designed to travel the World Wide Web that look for websites that match the criteria that has been programmed into them. This process is called ‘crawling’ and once the bot returns, it relays the information back, where it’s sorted (or ‘indexed’) by various factors – which SEO plays a role in meeting.

Tips on getting your website ranked to the top on Google

During our many years of gaining experience as an online marketing agency, we have gathered together the following quick tips to help to get you started on the road to getting your website to the top of Google’s rankings;

  1. Always implement SEO – and keep updated with the trends. With search engines constantly changing their criteria, it’s always important to keep abreast of the latest information that’s released by them. Whilst the basic method of SEO doesn’t change, elements such as keywords, which make up a good campaign, will.
  2. The ‘K’ Factor. Speaking of keywords – they are generally the biggest factor that will determine your place within a search engine’s rankings. You’ll need to keep aware of the changing trends and the keywords people use to search for. Using keywords that are related to your main keyword, in your content is a great idea too – but be aware that Google will rank down any website that will ‘stuff’ keywords in their content, as it’s considered bad practice.
  3. Take advantage of Google’s ‘My Business’ pages. Profiles that receive many searches and clicks on Google My Business will get ranked highly on the main search page. The added benefit to opening up an account is that your business, if it has a physical location, will also be listed on Google Maps. If for example, someone searches for ‘sports shop’ in their location, then your shop will be brought up in the search, showing the location.
  4. Register with third-party directories such as Yelp – which offer customers a local service based on their searches. Another key area in SEO is using hyperlinks from inside and outside your website, which Google will take a note of – the amount of times that they’re clicked on, will work favourably when it comes to ranking your website. Registering your website on the most-popular directories will be a massive ‘yelp’!
  5. The benefits of an AdWords Campaign. Whilst an organic method in directing users to your website, such as SEO, is a fantastic long-term project, the benefits of a more short-term ‘hit’ should not be ruled out. Google AdWords is a service in which you can implement paid campaigns, such as PPC (Pay-Per-Click) which place advertisements on the first page of Google’s search results whenever someone searches for keywords that you set as part of the campaign. The beauty with a PPC campaign is that you will only be charged whenever someone actually clicks on the ad to go through to your website. Aside from this guaranteeing visitors to your website, it will also add to your website’s ‘hit count’ – helping its long-term SEO campaign too!

Looking to implement a successful SEO campaign? Contact SEO Junkies today!

Being a professional online marketing agency, we are dedicated in helping websites to improve their output and gain more visitors. We have vast experience in the industry, having already helped many businesses, of varying sizes, to rank better on search engines, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Aside from our SEO services, we are able to implement a bespoke PPC campaign, which are designed to effectively gain your website traffic.

If you’re looking for help on SEO and would like to learn more about the method, or any other digital marketing service, please don’t hesitate to contact our team of friendly experts today on  0118 380 0203 or you can send us an e-mail at sales@seojunkies.com

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