SEO Guide: Why Is Unique Content Important?

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High quality content is the front runner for improving and sustaining your search engine optimisation and every website has it. Producing high quality content will make your website stand apart from your competitors and its uniqueness will be what encourages a visitor to spend more time on your site and keep coming back.

Why is Unique Content So Important?

Improving your SEO by using relevant content on your website may seem like a simple enough idea, but, there is a bit more to it than throwing in the odd keyword here and there. Following your competitors and matching their content will only make your website bland and irrelevant increasing its chance of getting lost within SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) making it more difficult for anyone to find your site in the first place. Making your content distinct will traffic more interest in your site and improve its rankings. 

What To Consider When Developing Your Unique Content:

  1. Do your research: If you are promoting your brand then chances are you are aware of the main keywords to use that will come up in a search engine. It is very important to spend time researching beyond this - think about lexical terms/ LSI (latent semantic indexing) that relate to your keywords and include them in your content as this will make your content hold more authority and improve its SEO.
  2. Don’t get sloppy: Unique content is important because it tends be quite rare, this doesn’t mean only include your keywords once in your content it just means to be sensible about it. Search engines do not like lots of the same word appearing over and over again and you will get penalised for it, it will also make your content appear poor putting off any visitors clicking on your site. This is where your previous research comes into play – use those lexical terms.
  3. Think about your audience: Unique content is specific to who you are trying to appeal to. If you are not using relevant content that is directed at your audience then your website will not look authentic to the search engine. Also think about how your audience will use your site; most users will scan a page looking for what interests them.

When you consider these factors it becomes clear how important unique content is and how it is key to trafficking more visitors and improving your rankings on the SERPs. If you keep your unique content focussed and relevant then this optimises overall appeal to clicks and search engines.

SEO Junkies specialise in providing even more advice and information on Search Engine Optimisation and improving your content for your online business. Speak to us to help with any query you may have about creating your SEO campaign with us.

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