SEO Guide: Checklist For Startup Websites

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Search engine optimisation can be a bugbear for new start-ups. A crazy and sometimes complex world, starting up a new business venture can be a little intimidating even for the most experienced entrepreneur.

Not being willing to risk Google penalties, you will understandably want to ensure that your start-up has access to the best SEO services available. Complex and frustrating though SEO may seem, there are plenty of top tips available to expedite your success in this fast-paced world of SEO. Herees a few of our tips for start-up SEO success.

How To Succeed In SEO With A Start-up Website

Whilst you are an expert in your given field and you may know a little about digital marketing, it is unlikely that you are an expert in SEO. With a team of dedicated SEO consultants at your disposal, putting in best practices early on will pay dividends further down the line.

  1. Know your concept and keywords - Without a good idea of what you want to achieve and what your audience is searching for, it will be difficult to achieve results. At SEO Junkies our services include keyword research and competitor analysis to ensure you target the most effective keywords.
  2. Practice content marketing In SEO content is king. Ensure each page of your site has at least 300 words of relevant and unique content. Target only one keyword per page.
  3. Create a technically flawless site - This might sound like itts asking a lot, but this will ensure that all your content can be seen and that your code is search-engine friendly. Check for WAI and W3C compliancy.
  4. Sort out your on-page copy and meta dataa Before go live ensure that all pages have unique meta descriptions and the on page is relevant and targeted. This will ensure that both the search engine and user knows what your page is targeting.
  5. Have a social authority plan A social presence is incredibly important to new start-ups looking to promote their brand. Make sure you create a Google+ account and set up authorship for your website.
  6. Localise your content - Local business is often the best way to gain followers and become well-known. Create local contact pages and ensure these are registered on Google places.
  7. Make a big production about it - The launch of a new business is significant, so make sure you handle press releases, interviews, and social media in ways designed to maximise your brand exposure.
  8. Train your staff - SEO training can be invaluable in your staff, and can be accessed via most good SEO services.
  9. Use your reporting tools - Without these, you will not know what is going on in terms of your business growth or SEO. Analyse traffic, conversions and metrics to ensure your site is working efficiently.
  10. Promote your content - This may be as simple as using pay per click ads, or may be more complex than that. Include social sharing buttons at the bottom of web pages to encourage user engagement.
  11. Make SEO a job - SEO should be a primary function, not an afterthought. If hiring an SEO company, work with them to develop a successful campaign that reflects your business.

Get Your New Website Onto Page One With SEO Junkies

Since Googlees latest Hummingbird algorithm update, the game has changed for SEO. Knowledge that was once gleaned in previous years has changed, making way for a new generation of online marketers. Exciting news for 2014 start-up entrepreneurial ventures!

If you are looking for SEO services to help get your new website onto page one, talk to our team of experts here at SEO Junkies. With over 10 years of experience in SEO, we follow best practice guidelines alongside internally developed processes to ensure that your website achieves the results it deserves.

Call us on 0118 380 0203 or email to discuss how we can assist your entrepreneurial venture.

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